Telugu Talli Old Age Homes

What We Do

Rastra Kavulu kalakarula Telugu Talli Old Age Homes

Caring for the Uncared

Telugu Talli Old Age Homes

Telugu Talli Old Age Homes Services.

Services & Specialisation

Taking Care Of Elders With Love And Affection.

Meiditation and medical facilities support.

Senior Citizens needs and taking care of them.

Providing food as it is the best support.

Providing maid and nurse support.

Peaceful, Pleasant And Healthy Environment.

Luxury Rooms.

Separate rooms for the elderly couple.

Exclusive facilities for both men and women.

News Paper, TV, Hot Water available.

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What we do ?

our mission & vision

To help needy age persons irrespective of caste creed.
For the above purpose, we undertake, execute support and assist any programmes or projects with a non profit motive designed to provide. Food shelter and clothing for need aged. Medical care and other activities like yoga and physical exercises to improve the health of senior citizens. Educational and recreational facilities to the aged and provide facilities for them to lead a religious and meditative life. To publish books, news Piper's, journals, brochures, pamphlets etc, to achieve the objectives of rastra kavulu kalakarula Telugu tall old age homes. To encourage the senior citizens.

our specialisation

Telugu Talli Old Age Homes

Peaceful, Pleasant And Healthy Environment.

Telugu Talli Old Age Homes
Laxury Rooms
Suparate Rooms For The Elderly Couple.

Telugu Talli Old Age Homes
Exclusive Facilities for Both Men And Women.

Telugu Talli Old Age Homes

Daily Spiritual prophecy Programs.
Newspaper, TV, Hot Water Available.

©Rastra Kavulu Kalakarula Telugu Talli Old Age Homes . All rights reserved.